"Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves." 

― Bruce Lee

"Be water" means to me that the essence, spirit or consciousness of who we are will always be as and what it is despite the many ways it is expressed, influenced, explores perspectives and experiences and is impressed upon throughout life. If you will, we are the water, and life is the journey. We like the water in the river running through, ever-changing direction and form, but always water.

 I've tried to express an ever-evolving understanding of what it is to be like water through the three pieces titled by the water goddesses across cultures whose qualities resonated with this exploration.


91.4cm x 91.4cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


91.4cm x 91.4cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


91.4cm x 91.4cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023

Spirit Of Water

101.6cm x 101.6cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


152.8cm x 60.9cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


152.8cm x 60.9cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


152.8cm x 60.9cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023


152.8cm x 60.9cm x 4cm

Mixed media, 2023